Do you want to cancel an appointment made at the CMC? In this case, we ask you to inform the reception of the CMC on +243 997 030 789 or +243 840 890 997. The CMC must be notified as quickly as possible and no later than 48 hours before the appointment. This will allow us to free up your time slot and offer it to another patient. In the event of cancellation less than 48 hours before the appointment, the CMC reserves the right to claim the price of the consultation.
When you cancel your appointment, reception staff will suggest to book a new appointment.
In the heart of Lubumbashi, the CMC (Centre Médical de la Communauté) has more than 20 years of experience in patient care. Our strengths: the quality of care, state-of-the-art equipment, modern infrastructures and procedures in line with international standards.
The CMC is a member of Groupe Forrest International.
4 Av. Nyanza Q. industriel, Lubumbashi.
+243 (0) 84 189 09 97 Reception
+243 (0) 84 189 09 99 Emergencies
Centre Médical de la Communauté 2020 All rights reserved ®